Saturday, July 12, 2008


Yes, I know I'm a fairly bitter person. Why do I say this? Simply because it's true.

Right now, I work in retail. Every day, I end up getting so frustrated that I scream to the rafters of the store with my agitation. I go in, I do my job and then some, and then go home. I work for little more than minimum wage, and there's no sign of advancement in the near or even distant future. That's enough to make someone a little put-off, but that isn't really enough to force someone into being bitter.

No, what makes me bitter is the fact that I sit here, with literal POUNDS of physical paperwork proving that I have the intelligence to run two fair-sized companies by myself, or at least one big one. I am someone who must do, and not read. I don't learn by sitting in a chair behind a desk and writing things down repeatedly. I learn by blowing things up, breaking things, and basically having fun.

I've been a bartender, a journalist in the U.S. Army, a deli lady in a grocery store, a salesperson in a retail company, a receptionist for multiple companies, and an overnight stocker for two separate megastores. Still, none of that counts as real experience in the business world. I just have people's words, my word, and some pay stubs to prove I've done them. I never took any true training for them (excluding the Army, of course), and I've never had a shoe-in to any job. I've never had a friend line one up for me, or give me a hand up. I've never had someone encourage me and inspire me to the thought that the pounds of paperwork I have is truly accurate in its assessment of my abilities. All I've ever gotten is the shit-end of the stick.

In the retail job I currently work at, I'm stocking the clothing department of a supermart. I won't say which one, because I definitely don't need to lose the only job I currently have. Usually, I have about 2-3 pallets that I have to stock in the night. It wouldn't be so unreasonable if the boxes were actually decent-sized and didn't hold so much stuff. I also happen to have no assistance with working the freight, so I'm all on my lonesome doing a job that the company requires two people to do. Yet another reason for me to be bitter. And of course, I get punished for each day where I'm stuck working passed my scheduled shift simply because I can't leave freight on the floor, and I was told to "work until your carts are empty." And that's a lot of stuff! On a light day, it takes two associates. On a heavy day, it would take three. All I ever have to work with is me, so on light days I get out after my 7th or 8th hour on the clock. On a heavy day, my shift usually passes the 10 hour mark, and I've even reached 13 in a day once. And you people bitch when you have to work 9 hours at decent pay!

But I digress. My biggest pet peeve there are the clothes themselves. Pants love falling off those shoddy plastic clip hangers, while the folded shirts need constant attention. Organizing the department takes a good five hours on its own, and I'm not being paid to organize. I'm being paid to stock. And when the cardboard compactor (bailer) is full or inaccessible? I fix it. We'll have up to three pallets' worth of cardboard sitting around, by, and in a line TO the bailer room every night when our shift begins, simply because dayshift is too lazy to clean up after themselves OR stock anything properly. But you know, I'm not smart enough to figure that out. I'm just a "good worker". I have no leadership abilities. After all, the Army trains you to be a weak follower of orders, RIGHT? RIGHT??

Anyways, I guess my point is this: If you don't know how to fold a shirt up properly, just throw it on top. I don't care if it looks crappy. It's easier than having to find it folded poorly in a few months. Plus, there's a shift of workers that's actually supposed to do that job. The only problem is, if it's done half-assed, they won't touch it and they'll figure it's "good enough".

My next blog will probably be about driving, though in all honesty, I could probably do a good five or six blogposts on that alone. Maybe more...

Friday, May 23, 2008

ADD: It isn't a disorder.

Anyone who thinks that ADD is an actual disorder is a crock full of you-know-what. ADD is just a cover-up for something called "Having Human Tendencies," or HHT, as I call it. HHT causes you to be non-robotic in the sense of finding tirelessly droning voices to be dull, people actually talking their heads off at 70+ wmp as annoying, and any general need to do anything other than work on a high quality of life is seen as daunting or plain-old irritating.

Why do we have these tendencies? Simple. Mankind are, at the base of things, still animals. We are still completely biological, so children will continue to prefer chasing butterflies to sitting in a classroom while adults will prefer talking with a friend to cold calling. We've taken the "Somebody's gotta do it" mindframe to a level it was never intended--and a level that is highly troubling to much of the nation. And why the hell are we medicating people for wanting to enjoy life rather than trudge along through the 6-2 schoolday so they can grow up to trudge through a 9-5 workday on the same schedule, but no naps, and no summer vacation? It's inhumane, really.

Many people despise their 9-5 jobs, and I know scant few children who enjoy school. Actually can't name a single one of either group that enjoys the punishment they undergo for breathing. Why must we fit into this mold? And what about the people who are suited for the jobs and whatnot that are stated, and yet can't achieve the position before Joe Schluck gets there? Are those people doomed to work 3rd shift (10pm-6/7am)? Don't they have a choice? Don't any of us?

The worst part, in my opinion, is that if someone walks up to you on the street and forces you to A) have sex with them, B) give them your money, or C) die at gun/knifepoint, they can be jailed. In fact, if anyone walks up to you and tries to force you to do ANYTHING, it can be viewed as harassment if you find it unpleasant. So here's my leaving question: If someone walks up to you and demands you continue living and breathing, can that person be sued? I hope so. Freedom of speech is great, but some people should just shut their freaking mouths.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Forums: Not worth your time.

Many people I know, including myself, have frequented forums at one point or another. But few are lucky enough to end up on forums that support the same rules.. or manage to avoid a 25% troll population.

One of the variations include rules on whether or not to post in a necro, or "dead" thread. Some forums prefer keeping the number of topics and threads at an overall low, so if the topic's already covered you're required to post on that thread within reason. Other forums are just the opposite--A dead thread should stay dead.

But how to remember which forum is what? Frankly, I think everyone should at least get over themselves enough to recognize there IS no standard, and regardless of whether there's a "sticky" (unmoving and usually locked thread) about the issue or not, people who have been around a while but don't post DAILY as if their lives depend on it will tend to get forgetful. Sure, they can read the sticky again. And again. And again the next week, and the month after that, and two Fridays later, and don't forget about the Wednesday after that.. Oh, forgive me. I digress. I forgot that some people have nothing better to do than harass and harangue those of us who have LIVES and can't devote our time to memorizing silly rules.

Actually, the fun thing is, I could actually get most of the trolls on the forums I frequent banned simply because some of the moderators have gotten to know me over the years, and they understand that I, as an adult (as many internet-goers are) can not devote day in and day out to following such silly protocol that has no true measure.

Well, that wasn't on the topic I wanted it to be on, but back to the point. If you do manage to forget a little teensy rule, it doesn't matter how small, you will undergo the abuse that is "trolling". Because the little kids that find trolling so cool just can't help but attempt to dominate people who they see as inferior.

Why do I say it's little kids doing it? Simple. If you're an actual adult, and I don't mean you're grown-up, I mean you have a job and responsibilities and actually know how to be SERIOUS when it comes down to it, then you aren't going to waste the time and effort to troll as earnestly as these immature swine. Meanwhile, if you've just gotten home from being bullied or having a bad day at school because you remember when you used to actually have GOOD days and you think it's unfair that you can't have them any more, you tend to be more likely to attack and vent on others in a very stylized manner. The manner, of course, being stating an iconic statement of webculture (Meme), or simply typing as if you don't know how to spell "You are awesome." (U R AWSUM or something to that extent)

Well, these trolls are the cancer of the internet. I'd say they're the lukemia of it all, weakening the internet daily with their incessant blather. Eventually, the trolls we're dealing with now will outgrow their trolling nature, but when they do, new trolls will take their place. Children see the internet as a way to lash out at their parents and express how horribly tortured they all are, because everyone had a bad childhood and it's our job to blame our parents, or some bull like that. Well, I think we all need to man-up, and learn to "Leave it at the door". In short, if you're going to respond to someone when they're speaking in all earnestness, do everyone a favor and drop the attitude. Ignore whatever thing is currently upsetting you, and just speak on an even keel.

I guess it takes working at a few jobs to learn that, but eventually everyone gets it. Well, not everyone, but mostly everyone. My first boss explained it to me with the scenario of, "Even if you broke up with your boyfriend that morning, or he broke up with you, you can't bring that into the workplace. You have to continue to smile and serve the customer, as if nothing but good things befall you." And I understood that.

Even when a bully from my school found out where I worked and made a point of trying to harass my coworkers and, by proxy, me.. Well, my boss knew better. For one thing, my bully couldn't get the name of the store right. And no matter where I work, if you aren't jesting when you misname the company I work for, I generally get pretty anal about it and insist correcting you until you get it right. Even to the point where I'm bordering on bitch.